Posts on Medium.com
Content Identification on the Blockchain
The ISCC is defined as an open and decentralized digital media identifier, unambiguously identifying digital content. It is a unique, hierarchically structured composite identifier, that is generated algorithmically and in a decentralized way. It is built from a generic and balanced mix of content-derived, locality-sensitive and similarity-preserving hashes generated from metadata and content. This inseparably links any specific content to a specific ISCC identifier. Read More …

What is a Smart License?
Smart Licenses are legal representations that will allow rights owners a simple means to offer and trade content globally in a secure and reliable, open and transparent, automated and machine-readable way on the Content Blockchain. Read more …

Why can it be hard to explain the concept of content-derived identifiers and the ISCC
It is now almost eight years since we started work on the International Standard Content Code (ISCC). In a few weeks, it will become a global ISO standard. The ISCC is a unique identifier for digital media content. It uses specialised algorithms to create a code that...
Comment on study on “Intellectual Property Rights and Distributed Ledger Technology with a focus on art NFTs and tokenized art”
Context This is my comment on the study on "Intellectual Property Rights and Distributed Ledger Technology with a focus on art NFTs and tokenised art", commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the...
The Digital Sovereign in the Age of Cryptography
The digital signature is the act of digital sovereignty, a new authority and control over a persistent and indissoluble bond that is able to link identities and self-descriptions, works and metadata.