Network Event at Frankfurt Bookfair 2018

At Frankfurt Bookfair 2018 (13 October 2018) the Content Blockchain Project invited publishers, innovators, executives, developers and other stakeholders of the media industry to a networking event during the THEARTS+ conference.We had the opportunity to...

Network-Event auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2018

Auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2018 (am 13. Oktober 2018) lud das Content Blockchain Project Verlage,, Führungskräfte, Entwickler und andere Interessierte der Medienbranche zu einem Networking-Event im Rahmen der THEARTS+-Konferenz ein.Wir hatten die...

What is a Smart License?

Smart Licenses are legal representations that will allow rights owners a simple means to offer and trade content globally in a secure and reliable, open and transparent, automated and machine-readable way on the Content Blockchain.

Buying Books with Bitcoin

At 'Boekhandel Hijman Ongerijmd' in Arnhem (NL) you will not only find a nice bookshop run by friendly booksellers, but you can also pay for books with Bitcoin. In the context of an ambitious campaign "Arnhem Bitcoinstad - 's Werelds meest Bitcoin...
