Why can it be hard to explain the concept of content-derived identifiers and the ISCC
It is now almost eight years since we started work on the International Standard Content Code (ISCC). In a few weeks, it will become a global ISO standard. The ISCC is a unique identifier for digital media content. It uses specialised algorithms to create a code that...

Comment on study on “Intellectual Property Rights and Distributed Ledger Technology with a focus on art NFTs and tokenized art”
Context This is my comment on the study on "Intellectual Property Rights and Distributed Ledger Technology with a focus on art NFTs and tokenised art", commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the...

The Digital Sovereign in the Age of Cryptography
The digital signature is the act of digital sovereignty, a new authority and control over a persistent and indissoluble bond that is able to link identities and self-descriptions, works and metadata.
DE:PICT—How Decentralised Identifiers and Blockchains Can Support the Copyright Infrastructure
This post is a transcript of a presentation that was given on 22 April 2021 at the LUISS Law School during a webinar on “Rules and Tools: Exceptions and technologies in the DSM Directive” within the activities of BILL Blockchain, artificial Intelligence and digital...
Bitcoin Whitepaper – Onepager A2 Poster
On 31 October 2008, a link to a paper authored by Satoshi Nakamoto titled 'Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System' was posted to a cryptography mailing list. This publication triggered a revolution in banking and the financial industries. The dynamics of...

The Open Content Certification Protocol (OCCP)
The Open Content Certification Protocol (OCCP) suggests a process to create and verify content certificates by using open, content-derived, decentralised content identifier technology on public blockchain networks.

Content Blockchain – Our Presentation at the European Commission
Content Blockchain – Transcript of our Presentation for the ‘EIC Prize Blockchain for Social Good’
ISO establishes Working Group for the International Standard Content Code
On its annual meeting on 8 May 2019 in Ottawa, ISO/TC 46/SC 9 decided to accept the International Standard Content Code (ISCC) as a Preliminary Work Item (PWI) and to establish a working group on Digital-Content-Based Identification with experts from various countries...

Decentralization and Scarcity — Blockchain and the Cultural Industries
Abstract In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper called “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”. This publication triggered a revolution in banking and the financial industries. The dynamics of innovation initiated by the latest developments of blockchain...
Content Blockchain Project honored with the ‘digital publishing award’ 2019
The Content Blockchain Project is the winner of the ‘digital publishing award’ 2019 in the category ‘startups’. The collaborative initiative has been awarded in recognition for its ambition to trigger digital innovation in the publishing industry by promoting a...
Network Event at Frankfurt Bookfair 2018
At Frankfurt Bookfair 2018 (13 October 2018) the Content Blockchain Project invited publishers, innovators, executives, developers and other stakeholders of the media industry to a networking event during the THEARTS+ conference.We had the opportunity to...
Network-Event auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2018
Auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse 2018 (am 13. Oktober 2018) lud das Content Blockchain Project Verlage,, Führungskräfte, Entwickler und andere Interessierte der Medienbranche zu einem Networking-Event im Rahmen der THEARTS+-Konferenz ein.Wir hatten die...
What is a Smart License?
Smart Licenses are legal representations that will allow rights owners a simple means to offer and trade content globally in a secure and reliable, open and transparent, automated and machine-readable way on the Content Blockchain.
Content Identification on the Content Blockchain — The International Standard Content Code (ISCC)
The ISCC is defined as an open and decentralized digital media identifier, unambiguously identifying digital content. It is a unique, hierarchically structured composite identifier, that is generated algorithmically and in a decentralized way.
Building Blocks for the Content Community – Blockchain und Verlage
Blockchain ist eine Zukunftstechnologie und ein Hype, bei dem sich spontane Erwartungshaltung und fachliche Unkenntnis auf eine einzigartige Weise verbinden. Die Faszination ist groß, aber nur wenige Spezialisten wissen, was sich hinter den Begriffen wie Bitcoin oder...
Buying Books with Bitcoin
At 'Boekhandel Hijman Ongerijmd' in Arnhem (NL) you will not only find a nice bookshop run by friendly booksellers, but you can also pay for books with Bitcoin. In the context of an ambitious campaign "Arnhem Bitcoinstad - 's Werelds meest Bitcoin...
E-Lending Without Licensing Agreement? Onleihe ohne Lizenzvertrag?
Another interesting decision by the European Court of Justice regarding the e-lending of digital content through libraries: "The lending of an electronic book (e-book) may, under certain conditions, be treated in the same way as the lending of a traditional book. In...
Zum Selbstverständnis digitaler Indie-Verlage (in Berlin)
Es ist wichtig, dass sich in Berlin und anderswo UnternehmerInnen mit digitalen publizistischen Ambitionen, viel Energie und persönlichem Risiko aufmachen, um Inhalte und Publikationsformate neu zu denken und zu veröffentlichen. Digitale Start-ups in jeder Branche...
Die Leipziger Buchmesse 2016 – ein persönlicher Rückblick
Leipzig ist eine Insel des Glücks. Die Stadt und die Menschen und die Buchmesse sind einfach nur toll. Natürlich ist das nur eine selektive und subjektive Wahrnehmung, die sich aber Jahr für Jahr persönlich und empirisch bestätigt. Es ist schon auffällig wie...
Reduced VAT Rates on Ebooks to be Expected in 2016
From a briefing of the European Parliament, February 2016: E-Books. Evolving markets and new challenges An announcement of the EC on the application of reduced VAT rates on ebooks is to be expected by the end of 2016. „The advent of e-books is pushing publishers and...