Why can it be hard to explain the concept of content-derived identifiers and the ISCC
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ISO establishes Working Group for the International Standard Content Code
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After eight years of dedicated development and intensive collaboration with the creative communities, ISO has published the ISCC as a global standard for content-derived, digital content identification under ISO 24138:24138: https://www.iso.org/standard/77899.html
The ISCC represents a shift of paradigm. The fact that an identifier with near-duplicate matching capabilities is generated directly from the media file, allowing to bind rights, metadata and attribution without the need for embedded metadata, watermarks, or file naming conventions, makes it uniquely versatile and incredibly efficient. – This ISO publication is not only a milestone for the ISCC, but also an important step forward for content creators and internet worldwide, ensuring integrity and trust in the digital content ecosystem.
Please share the the good news: ISO Publishes New Standard Enabling Content Transparency – ISO 24138: https://iscc.io/iso-publishes-new-standard-enabling-content-transparency-iso-24138/